Wednesday, November 7, 2007

He's not Italian, he's black.

It's hard to make time to get away from being in class, being at work, and trying to manage seeing people to keep my sanity... But every now and then I get to go to the movies. And when I do, I always make sure that I'm not just blowing it on some movie that will probably be horribly lame.

Ever since my roommates and I saw the previews for American Gangster we knew it would be good, but I wasn't totally positive what it was about. But the epic looking commercials and the buzz around it made it look like a movie I wouldn't regret seeing.

Peter Travers of Rolling Stone writes, "Call it the black "Scarface" or "the Harlem Godfather" or just one hell of an exciting movie, but the fact-based, 1970s-era American Gangster is already looking like a major awards contender." After seeing it I could do nothing but agree.

The movie was suspenseful, action-packed, and believable. I'm never surprised when Denzel Washington has a great performance in a movie because he's so consistent... but this character was so far outside of any that I've seen him play before. But he did it with conviction and made it completely realistic.

Even Russell Crow who I am not particularly fond of had a great performance. He's completely transformed from his gladiator physique into an almost middle aged New Jersey cop.

It was really interesting to see a mobster that wasn't an Italian gangster but instead a black man. And then to find out that this is based on a true story. Shocking to realize that this man had so much money and all from selling drugs.

I've never seen The Godfather but I've always heard how much of an epic movie it is and how it is THE MOVIE to see... And after seeing this one I think I might even splurge and visit Blockbuster.

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