Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I love IMDB because it always suggests movies that you might like based on the movies that you look up.. And this time it was Trainspotting

It takes place in Great Britain/Scotland and details the lives of a group of heroin addicts. It was interesting because I've never really seen a movie that talks about heroin except American Gangster and in that one it's a central thing but it's not really focused on.

Trainspotting was a little all over the place but I liked it. Ewan McGregor did a great job really playing a character that was outside of the box. I'm so used to him playing the pretty boy in stupid romantic comedies or the younger version of Obi Wan Kenobi... but this character seemed like a stretch for him.

The scene where he goes through withdrawl was really unique and interesting. I wonder if that's how someone who does those drugs actually feels when they don't get their fix.

Regardless, before I got it to watch I checked as always to see what the critic brigade had to say... Overall it's rated 88% and while I don't always agree with them, I definitely would in this case.

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